Tipo | Grupo | Potencia | STAB Potencia | DPS | DPS con STAB | Duración | Barras de energía |
Hada | Cargado | 90 | 108 | 30 | 36 | 3 s. |
This Move | Against These Types of Pokémon | How Effective? |
Carantoña | DragónSiniestroLucha | Super Effective (x1.60) |
VenenoAceroFuego | Not Very Effective (x0.62) |
Carantoña - Against These Types of Pokémon |
Super Effective |
DragónSiniestroLucha (x1.60) |
Not Very Effective |
VenenoAceroFuego (x0.62) |